Friday, October 14, 2011

Interviews and Football

It rained all night last seriously all night, and the rain from the roof falls three floors down to metal sheeting right outside my it is really loud. I woke up from the storm at 5:45 a.m. to catch the online play by play of the Cardinal's game. Not the outcome I was wanting, but at least I didn't get up at 3 to watch the whole thing. Hopefully tonight's will go a little better!
I got back to sleep for an hour to only to wake up to more rain. It rained all morning and it made the place a big mud pit (which became funny when we started playing soccer later in the afternoon.)

When we got to the school today, my mom and I got to interview a bunch of students and all the teachers. It was amazing to hear what they had to say about why they like the school and what their challenges are. It is amazing how good the teachers are. They do so much with the kids with so little. Think about what school would be like with no text books, little paper, no electricity, and 60 to 100 students in each classroom. Yet they are focused and working on learning together!

This afternoon I got to go with the Head Master Moses and Pastor Charles to visit about 6 or 7 different homes. The places where these kids live are brick houses constructed by the families themselves. Again, most with out electricity. Many of the kids sleep in the same room (sleeping on the floor) as the kitchen which just means they have all the pots and pans, food, wood burning area, or charcoal right there where they sleep every night.

After I got back from visiting the homes, we brought out a new soccer (football) ball started playing. When I carried the ball out to the field, they were looking at me like I was holding a million dollars. The half deflated and ripped up ball they have been playing with didn't come close to how awesome this new football was. I got to play with them for a little bit and they thought it was funny when it would hit me. The field was full of mud and the kids were falling all over the place. (Rob, you'll be happy to know that one of the students had the helmet cam on for some of the game...pretty funny.)

I am looking forward to seeing how the video of today turns out so that i can share it with all of you.
Thanks for the Prayers.


  1. Jeremy, I love reading the updates! Keep them coming and keep up the great work over there!! You are in our prayers!
